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Trap the Mouse Puzzle

В этой игре вам нужно ловить мышь и не дать ей убежать. Ловить мышь нужно сооружая преграды, чтобы окружить ее. Каждый раз, когда вы ставите преграду, мышь делает движение. Вам нужно спланировать размещение преград так, чтобы не дать мыши убежать.
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Much can be done to increase the crashworthiness of the cars Quotes Chimp drive. Safety improvement items must be addressed. Side-impact protection standards should be upgraded to reduce thoracic/abdom�inal injuries and head injuries from contact with the A-pillar and from side-door ejection, particularly in car-to-car side-impact crashes. Increased rollover protection is needed, with a requirement that anti-lock brakes be installed in every car to reduce rollovers. Automatic passive restraint safety requirements, currently established for passenger cars, should be broadened to include light trucks and vans, which are becoming more and more popular with the driving public. Safer cars equal fewer injuries. Fewer injuries change insurance companies' statistics regarding their risk of loss. A lower risk of loss allows the companies to reduce premiums.

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